“Success starts with a belief that you deserve it.” This was a momentary insight I had the other day. The…
I’m publishing this post at 11:59pm my time to make a bit of a point. I’ve set out a goal…
The body seeks comfort, but it is not designed to be comfortable. Like the saying “a ship is safe in…
If you want to get something done, action is the first step, not motivation. Most people think they need to…
Probably should have put this out earlier in the day… but I was enjoying my Labour Day. If you had…
When I recommend fasting it’s usually for the overall health benefits, however there is no denying the benefits of fasting…
Justification is a dangerous thing. The other day I justified myself twice. At least. The first time was with a…
I had a rough day yesterday. It was just not my day with things going well at work. Basically, anything…
Ever realize that as soon as you start a new fitness routine or diet, things actually get worse before it…
Would you consider yourself your biggest obstacle or your biggest fan? We live in a world with a lot of…