My Writing Challenge

I have decided to commit myself to a writing challenge and blog every single day.

As of this post, I am aiming for a minimum of 101 days straight!

This decision and timeframe comes from a new book I’m writing called Discipline 101. It’s a course to help people build more discipline in their lives.

Over my many years of fitness coaching, the biggest thing I’ve learned is that people don’t fail at their health goals because they aren’t doing the right things. They fail to reach their health goals because they aren’t doing ANYTHING.

They don’t have the discipline to follow through with their commitments to health.

A quick search for health/fitness programs will yield thousands if not millions of options.

Yet hardly anything exists for building your discipline. There’s many things that talk about discipline, but not a step by step process for building it.

Hence my new book.

As I started writing the book, I realized many areas I could benefit from having more discipline. I already consider myself a pretty disciplined guy, but there’s always room for growth right!

The truth is, I’m disciplined in most areas of my life where it comes to health. Crazy right?

However, where I’m not as disciplined is in things like writing, reading, and networking.

The obvious thought that followed was “well if I’m going to set up this process for others to benefit, why not benefit from it myself?”

So I committed to this writing challenge!

And there we have it, 101 days of blogging (and beyond) here we come!

Follow my journey and lets see how well this works out. Fill out the form at the bottom of this page to follow my blog and get updates when I post.

If you want to build YOUR discipline in any area of your life, I’ll be posting the launch of my new ebook Discipline 101 on here first!

The book will be free for all of my subscribers!! ?

Well, there’s the plan, now it’s time for action!

I’m excited and nervous at the same time, but no matter what…

Let’s Do This!! ????

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