My passion and drive is to be able to help people live a longer, healthier, happier life. I have many services to do this but I’ve also created a few free e-books to give people the knowledge and tools to achieve results the results they desire
Each e-book is focused on a different area or skill needed for success. Feel free to download as many as you’d like!

This book is written for those who have tried many times to start a fitness routine but repeatedly fail to sustain it. This is the most common struggle in health and fitness and it all comes down to a few key steps for when you start.
Read this book to learn why you struggle with motivation and exactly how to break the cycle and finally become consistent with your workout routine.

This book is written for those that know exactly what they SHOULD be doing to be healthy, but they struggle to do it. It explains why we go from highly motivated to falling off the wagon and teaches you a better way. The way of Discipline.
Discipline is the “get shit done” muscle and is how ALL successful people have gotten to where they are today.