Ain’t nobody got time for that.

I spent a lot of last year and the year before surrounded by negative energy, and as the famous internet meme goes: Ain’t nobody got time for that!!

Everything from my business not going well, to having too many rude people around, to people trying to steal from me. It was not a good time.

I worked hard internally and externally to get away from that energy. I’ve always been a pretty positive guy and able to see the good in any situation. But the last year was rough.

When things aren’t going right, in nearly any area, it’s tough to stay positive.

However, I’ve taken some big steps to get myself in a better position and move away from the negativity. It started with a move to Canada. First me to get established, and then my family.

It was not an easy step to take. Because it meant being here alone for 6 weeks while my son and pregnant wife were still in Mexico. It wasn’t easy, but I knew it was the right thing to do.

Since that move, many things have started getting a lot better

During my 6 weeks alone, I learned what was most important to me. I surrounded myself with more positivity and focused on my priorities.

I also took some more dramatic steps to clean out the negativity.

Cutting ties with people weren’t contributing to my life.

Closing my private life on social media.

Spending a lot less time engaging in useless arguments

Spending a lot more time connecting with what I enjoy in life and focusing on my happiness.

The best part wast clearly what I was willing and NOT willing to accept from certain people in my life. I put my foot down. I drew lines in the sand.

Honestly, I’ve never really done that in my life.

Not so solidly and clearly like I did.

It was nerve racking in the moment but incredibly empowering once it was done. I immediately felt more confidence in myself and my decision. It even lead to some long overdue respect from those involved.

From that point on I’ve fully realized that I don’t have time for negative energy in my life.

I spend my time focusing on positives. Gratitude is part of my daily practice.

If negativity does come up I deal with it when I can or I walk away from it when it has no purpose.

I’ve filtered my life and my contacts greatly to maintain this focus and it’s been fucking incredible.

Of course, sometimes I get pulled back towards the dark side. Sometimes I become negative myself and want to go back to my old, more comfortable ways, but I know it’s not worth it.

Ain’t nobody got time for that.

I’ve cut it out, I’m keeping it out, and I’m drawing the line.

I welcome you to join me, it’s beautiful over here ?

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